Sunday 13 October 2013

Radeon + Linux = FIRE? Not anymore.

I know many out there who struggle with the overheating issues caused by installing a Linux distribution on a laptop with an ATI Radeon graphics card. I suffered from the same problem as well.

So basically the problem being that both the graphic devices (Intel & Radeon) are running at the same time, causing unbelievable amounts of heat emissions in spite of the built-in fan trying its best to cool down the graphics card.

So I looked around for a driver to manage this issue. I did find one, but it turned out that it doesn't support all Linux distributions and frankly it sucks. Very unstable.

So the only possible solution was to switch off my Radeon. I didn't need it anyway, the Intel graphics accelerator is doing a decent job of showing me what I am doing with my computer.

This script helped me switch it off:

echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch

But it demands super user rights. So you will have to be in super user mode to access the directory. 
You could always work around it with the sudo command, but its still a tedious 
job to do everytime you switch on the laptop. How you get around this is upto 
you. Sudev ( suggested we make it a command and 
then sudo it.

I could always automate it on startup. I will do it soon once I get the time. 
To see if this script is doing the job for you, you could monitor your hardware's
temperature using the sensors command.

p.s. I am no scripting wiz, so if you have a better suggestion, feel free to leave it the comments area :)

You can find more similar silly scripts here:

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